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How to Attract and Retain Top Talent

How to Attract and Retain Top Talent

How to Attract and Retain Top Talent Think that the labor market has shifted, and you no longer have to worry about employee engagement? Think again! Your top talent can, and will leave if you don't take the right steps to attract and retain them. So how do you keep...

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There is STILL Too Much Racism in HR

There is STILL Too Much Racism in HR

It’s no secret that I think that a good number of HR professionals are in the wrong role. I wrote a bit about it 2 years ago when I talked about racism inside of HR  and shared some of my personal experiences. In those 2 years I have started and stopped, on multiple...

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Lessons Learned During Black History Month

Lessons Learned During Black History Month

February, the shortest month of the year, has come and gone again this year.  I saw some pretty amazing and meaningful content. Rikeshia Davidson and Lisa Hurley for example, did a phenomenal job of providing information that was truly profound in their posts on...

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